international videoconference centre (ivc) câu
Videoconference is used in teacher trainingFacebook nhóm được sử dụng trong tập huấn giáo viên Follow up with your patients and peers ...

dubai international financial centre
Facilities at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai International Financial CentreTiện ích của The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai International Financial Centre...

international biographical centre
2004 International Health Professional of the Year (2004), International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, EnglandChuyên gia y tế quốc tế...

international commerce centre
View from the International Commerce Centre.Chụp từ toà quan sát của International Commerce Centre View from the International Commerce...

international finance centre
2 International Finance Centre, the tallest building in Hong KongInternational Finance Centre, tòa nhà cao nhất tại Hồng Kông 2 Interna...

international trade centre
ITC The International Trade CentreITC Trung tâm Thương mại Quốc tế International Trade Centre ITC The International Trade CentreITC Tru...

moi international sports centre
They were held at Moi International sports centre, Kasarani.Trung tâm Thể thao Quốc tế Moi, Kasarani We have the Moi International Spo...

two international finance centre
Level 19, Two International Finance CentreTrung tâm tài chính quốc tế (Two International Finance Centre) Two International Finance Cen...

vienna international centre
Across the Danube, where the Vienna International Centre is located, and in the southernmost area are the newest parts of the city (dis...

bangkok international trade and exhibition centre
Booth: Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Hall 100 & 101Trung tâm Thương mại và Triển lãm Quốc tế Bangkok (BITEC...

international centre for the study of the preservation and restoration of cultural property
Rome: International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, 2007.Rome: International Centre for ...

Hoạt động giải trí gần Raintree Hotel, Deira City Centre Khách sạn Thụy Sỹ Lucerne Lucerne Culture and Congress Centre Hoạt động ...

administrative centre
The administrative centre is the city of Papeete on the Tahiti Island.Thành phố thủ phủ của vùng là Papeete trên đảo Tahiti. The admin...

black centre
The 11th wedding anniversary flower, it’s said that the tulip’s velvety black centre represents a lover’s heart, darkened by the heat o...

building centre
The 220 Central Park South building, centre.Tòa nhà 220 Central Park South tại New York. The WTO building: Centre William RappardPhòng...

business centre
Compass has one business centre in Bonifacio Global City:Compass có một trung tâm văn phòng tại Bonifacio Global City: And is a busine...

centre alliance
Centre Alliance vs Arts Party on u.s. military basesArts Party’s điểm chính trị Arts Party’s về căn cứ quân sự mỹ The Coalition govern...

centre button
Click on the centre button, and you can hear the world round you.Nhấp vào nút trung tâm, và bạn có thể nghe thấy thế giới xung quanh bạ...

centre core
The VIDAR not only sends ping pong signals along the cable, but it also sends a similar signal from the centre core to the outer shield...

centre differential
The A4 family uses the self-locking centre differential.Các gia đình A4 dụng sự khác biệt giữa trung tâm tự khóa ở đây. Range_e is als...

centre engine
G 31.2 – as G 31.1 with centre engine replaced with BMW VIG-31.2:giống G-31.1 nhưng động cơ chính được thay bằng BMW VI.

centre frequency
In addition the average of the frequencies of the two channels shall be within 100 kHz of the centre frequency of the alignment range.N...

centre gauge
The easy to read centre gauge.Dễ dàng để đọc gauge.

centre height
It has a distance between centres of 200mm (7.9") and a centre height of 125mm (4.9").Khoảng cách giữa các trung tâm là 200mm (7,9 ") ;...

centre lane
I'm in the centre lane going about 60. I had no choice but to just tear butt out of there. Just:Cháu đang chạy làn giữa, gần trăm cây 1...